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Untold story and health benefits of banana

 Untold story and health benefits of banana

Health benefits of banana is an extremely important food in a healthy and balanced diet . In most cases, it is recommended to include it in your daily diet. This is because banana is a food rich in essential elements for the proper functioning of our body , especially for the integration of micronutrients that help fight disease , tiredness and concentration, to help in the growth and development of the body .

The banana is certainly one of the most loved and well-known fruits in our country, in particular for its incredible beneficial properties , due to vitamins and mineral salts, such as magnesium and potassium , which promote psycho physical well-being , the supply of collagen and control of cholesterol and hunger .

Let's discover together all the properties and benefits of the banana , and how useful the integration of a simple medium-sized banana every day can be in our daily diet.

Untold story and health benefits of banana
Untold story and health benefits of banana


Fruit has always been considered a fundamental part of daily nutrition . Generally, fruit is an excellent way to end meals , or even better if it is the protagonist of breakfast and mid-morning and afternoon snacks . Especially in children and adolescents, it is important that the snack is a healthy and nutritious meal, characterized by all the fundamental substances that our body needs. Eating a banana early in the morning , for example, represents a healthy and nutritious breakfast, as well as being totally natural.

Among the most eaten and common fruits we can therefore mention the banana: this yellow fruit with an elongated shape lends itself very well to a quick snack , not only for its ease in being peeled, but also for all its incredible nutritional properties . Let's start by saying that the banana , like many other fruits, is mainly composed of water , and therefore represents an excellent source of hydration , especially in the hottest periods.

However, the banana is not only a source of liquids, but also a concentrate of energy , vitamins and mineral salts that are very important in a rich and balanced diet . This fruit is in fact composed largely of sugars , essential for the production of energy , ideal if you practice sports.

In the group of mineral salts , we cannot fail to refer to potassium : essential for the correct functioning of the muscular system , for attention and concentration, as well as for its function of contrasting exhaustion and psycho physical stress. The consumption of this fruit is therefore particularly recommended in subjects who have a dietary deficiency of this specific essential mineral , together with iron and phosphorus, which however are not found in the same quantity and bioavailability in the banana. Also nuts , such as walnuts , hazelnuts , almonds and peanuts, but also legumes , are rich in potassium and other mineral salts.

There is also a notable concentration of B vitamins (including vitamin B6 ), vitamin C and vitamin A , which are essential for the proper functioning of various systems of the body. On the contrary, fats and proteins are found in small quantities inside the banana pulp.

Let us now delve into the benefits that this fruit, with its nutritional values , is able to bring to our body.


As mentioned, the banana proves to be a fruit not only extremely rich in energy , but also full of elements that are important for our health, which act in an extremely positive way on the well-being of our body . For example, the vitamins and antioxidants present in the pulp act in preventing tumors and counteracting the action of free radicals .

The banana has multiple benefits and helps not only to counteract various pathologies and inflammations, episodes of diarrhea or sluggish intestines, but also to support the cardiovascular system and regulate the heartbeat.

The benefits of bananas largely involve sports : in fact this fruit is a rich source of potassium , a mineral that is largely lost in perspiration , and its deficiency can cause cramps and energy drops during sports . The banana is therefore essential in avoiding this type of occurrence, allowing you to integrate important elements for athletes and beyond.

Potassium in low quantities is an element closely linked to tiredness , weakness and stress levels caused by overwork and excessive fatigue. Its integration is therefore important to have more energy during the day, lowering stress levels and counteracting anxiety and depression, also thanks to the contribution of serotonin , whose deficiency is linked to depressive states.

Finally, the banana is a beneficial fruit for the gastrointestinal tract , thanks to its fiber intake , which counteracts constipation and constipation, but also for its natural anti acid action , which makes it a fruit also suitable for those suffering from minor ailments. related to stomach acid. However, it is advisable to eat bananas when they are already ripe, to facilitate their digestion.

Raw Banana

Untold story and health benefits of banana
Untold story and health benefits of banana


Not everyone knows it, but there are really many varieties of bananas , and they come from all over the world . Some smaller in size, others much larger, others rich in seeds, like the wild ones. For example, the Cavendish banana is a very common banana from East Asia . As generally happens with this type of fruit, if overripe, they tend to blacken their yellow pulp and outer skin.

In Italy , it is typical to find and buy the common Sicilian banana . This medium-sized banana variety is common in our country and in parts of Europe: it is grown in the Sicilian region, but is not native to the island. In fact, this was imported into our country in the first decades of the twentieth century, from Mexico and Central America .

Returning to Southeast Asia however, another common variety of banana is the Lakatan variety . The banana tree that gives life to these juicy fruits can reach over ten meters in height. The pulp of this variety of banana is very sweet , and for this reason it is typically used for the preparation of desserts . Once ripe, it takes on a dark yellow colour.

Finally, we must necessarily mention the plantain , the famous green bananas. The fruit of the homonymous tree does not really fall within the banana variety , but is very similar in its typical elongated shape, even if it has a bright green colour. The plane tree is typical of the equatorial belt , and therefore of the warmest and most humid areas of the globe, such as central Africa, India and central America.

In any case, the various types of banana share most of the nutritional properties mentioned above, with the presence of flavonoids , vitamins and mineral salts , making them one of the best foods for the health of our body and for the functioning of the metabolism. . A quick snack, excellent at the table as on any other occasion.


Now that you know the properties and benefits of bananas, try integrating this fruit more and more into your diet with simple and tasty recipes. Using the banana in the kitchen is really very simple , and will allow you to eat this incredible fruit in many different, delicious and nutritious ways. As we have already illustrated, the banana is a fruit that lends itself very well for breakfast , as well as for snacks, desserts and various snacks.

Banana for breakfast

A delicious idea could be to prepare delicious banana crepes : a delicious and perfect dessert to start the day in the best way, with a boost of energy, vitamins and mineral salts, essential in fighting free radicals.

Delicious banana pancakes :

you just need simple ingredients such as eggs , flour , milk and sugar , as well as obviously bananas and a little Chef spray cream . You can easily replace the flour with corn starch. This dessert will really conquer everyone, young and old, as well as giving away an important source of sodium and potassium .

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